Species Discription

Phlogius Sp. "Hirsutus" are a fairly new species to the hobby. They are not as large as most Phlogius with a legspan of around 16-18cm but much stockier, with thick legs. They are named after how Hirsute (Hairy) they are. Hirsutus are a generally lighter coloured tarantula.


Muffin isnt that defensive. Reared up in her burrow at me once, but nothing more. She is a very active tarantula. Every morning when the tank is all fogged up there are hundreds of little stripes on the tank walls where muffin has walked during the night. She also spends the majority of her time sitting outside her rock cave awaiting me to drop in a cricket or woodie.

January 13th 09

Puff little 2nd instar Hirsutus arrived.

February 14th

 she moulted. here she is as a 3rd instar 

The day after, Muffin arrived! She's a mature specimen that will hopefully be breeding this season.

Some more of Puff, post moult

About a week after Muffin got settled in i chucked a large cricket in for her. After feeding some other inverts i was about to walk out of the room when i heard what sounded like a ferret bolting accross the floor but i turned to see muffin chasing after the cricket, up and over a fake plant then attempting to go under in persuite of the cricket. Unfortunatly she wasnt as small and nimble as the cricket, and ended up stuck upside down between the tank wall and a fake plant!

April 13th 

Muffin moulted! This is the largest tarantula i have ever had moult so it was very exiting for me.

The Exuvium measured 150mm and muffin measured around 160-170mm but she will most likely beef up in the coming days.


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