Species description


Phlogius Sp. Black are a fairly large tarantula growing around 160-180mm in legspan. They are named after there beautifull jet black colouring as adults. An adult female is a sight to see!


I have found my two to be good feeders that love to silk. They are fairly active and i see them out and about daily. Very fast when they want to be but so are most spiderlings.They have shown me no aggression so far, but not many spiderlings do.



January 21st 09 

Jet the 2nd instar P.Black arrived hungry and healthy.

February 7th

She then moulted going from a purple/black to white.

Caught in the act of moulting into 3rd instar

A couple days later- colouring up really nicely from white to a dark blue then to purple.

February 18th

Onyx arrived as a 2nd instar. she is yet to moult but im expecting one soon.

 March 15th

I caught Onyx moulting early this morning.

March 16th

Starting to go blue.

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